The latest THING in vogue, in America, seems to be “The 1619 Project”.

It is the Anniversary of the 400th Year of when SLAVERY first came to America.

1619: 400 Years Later | From USA TODAY® | usatoday.com‎Adwww.usatoday.com/‎

Virginia commemorates the 1619 arrival of the first enslaved Africans in North America

Virginia marks the dawn of American slavery in 1619 with solemn speeches and songs

1619 commemoration brings thousands seeking to learn true history of first Africans in Virginia

1619: What The Year Means To Me

Alabama events mark 1619 slavery anniversary

At 1619 sunrise ceremony, a crowd gathered in Hampton to connect to their African heritage

Slavery Was Not a Secondary Part of Our History

The Place Where American Slavery Began

We should welcome deep digs into 1619. Slavery and white supremacy shaped today’s America.

I have read and heard that:

America has NEVER confronted SLAVERY in its entire history.

That is a lie.  (It is as much a ‘lie’ as any of the thousands of lies told by Donald Trump, it is that much of a lie.  That’s a BIGLY LIE!)  America fought a bloody Civil War to put an END to slavery.  That is a FACT.  That is “confronting slavery” no matter how you look at it.  Most of the people who were KILLED in that BLOODY WAR were WHITE PEOPLE, and many of them were fighting to end the Slavery of the Blacks.  But, it is also one of the arguments Newt Gingrich likes to make, as he and other Republicans still would like to keep THE BLACK MAN in his place.  So. let’s just put that argument and FACT aside for now.

I have read and heard that America has never gone through anything like the “De-NAZIfication” that Germany went through. 

That is a comparison of apples to oranges.  Each is bad, but totally different from the other.  NAZIism in Germany is NOT AT ALL THE SAME as SLAVERY IN AMERICA.  The two are NOT comparable in any way shape or form, for many many reasons.  Too many reasons to go into here and now, so let’s just put that one aside for now as well.

I have read and heard that African-Americans of today DESERVE Financial Reparations for Slavery that happened to some of their ancestors. 

Sorry, but no they don’t.  Not all Black Americans are descended from slaves, and not all (in fact very damn few) White Americans are descendants from those who enslaved Blacks in early America.  Why should ALL White Americans now have to pay ALL Black Americans now for something they may not have had anything to do with?  That just does NOT make any sense at all, except that apparently some Black Americans of today want some FREE MONEY!

NO (Financial) REPARATIONS for Black Americans.

I have written a long treatise explaining why NO Black American alive today deserves any financial reparations from anyone for anything that may have happened to their ancestors in the past.  You can read it yourself at the link above, since I am not going to go into it again here and now.  What I will REPEAT is that:  ALL Americans (Black, White, Brown, Yellow or Red) have a RIGHT TO what is enshrined in America’s most revered documents, that: “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL” and “HAVE A RIGHT TO EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW”.



ANSWER:  AFRICAN BLACKS SOLD other African Blacks into slavery.  

That is a FACT.  White people did not start the slave trade in Africa, black Africans did.  That started long before 1619.  Black Africans captured and SOLD other Black Africans to European ship captains off the coast of Western Africa.  Before that Black Africans captured and either enslaved or KILLED other Black Africans in Africa.  That is a FACT.  

Another FACT is that Africans who were captured and sold by other Black Africans into slavery were transported to Europe, and The Americas  (all of the Americas, not just the United States, but North, Central, South and Caribbean America too).  It was NOT just the United States of America where Black Africans were enslaved.  It was all over the known world.

QUESTION:  When did Blacks CELEBRATE the 400th Anniversary of BLACKS SELLING other BLACKS into SLAVERY?


ANSWER: Never.  (Maybe because there was no money in doing so.  Who knows.)

The promoters of ‘The 1619 Project’ conveniently seem to forget about the FACT that Black Africans started the Black African SLAVE TRADE.  And that is a FACT!

p.s.  I DARE anyone to Tweet this, share this or FaceBook this blog to the outside world.  I DARE YOU because the vast majority of people DO NOT WANT TO FACE THE TRUTH.  They would rather live in their own world of LIES and DISHONESTY, which is why America is stuck with the world’s greatest liar right now.  I DARE YOU!  None of you have the guts to share this TRUTH.